Category Archives: Politics

F*ck Yeah Friday With Funny Or Die @funnyordie

The YouTube channel of Funny or Die has been around for years and has been giving us a non stop stream of comedy and hilarity.  If you are just trying to kill some time at work right now Funny or Die is the only way to pass the time.  Their recent take on Donald Trump
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Throwback Thursday – Five Finger Death Punch @FFDP

I'm only going back five years for this one but its fitting that its Five Finger Death Punches songs.  I wanted to highlight something that stood out from all the rest.  A song that I feel defines this generation.  It's a fitting song for the current times.  Powerful, epic and just badass.  This is The
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Stop A Douchebag @StopXamTv @realDonaldTrump

I'm sure if you are stumbling around YouTube late at night you may have come across these guys from Russia.  These activists stand up to jack ass drivers and give them a taste of their own medicine.  Street justice, literally.  Growing up and living in New Jersey, these guys would have a field day over.  
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Let Weird Al Help You Choose The Next President @alyankovic

It's been out for a few weeks but today is the perfect day to share this.  Weird Al is truly remarkable with his ability to create hilarious songs like Bad Hombres, Nasty Women.  I'm not choosing sides but if I had to I would choose Weird Al's.  Basically it comes down to this.  There are
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Eminem’s Campaign Speech Destorys Everything @Eminem

Well with the election coming up in a few days, this is an absolutely the perfect song/speech/I don't know what to classify it as, to be shared with the world.  Eminem has just lyrically destroyed everything with the song.  Actually I think its more of a poem than song.  Yea, Bob Dylan just
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Sixx A.M. Delievers With We Will Not Go Quietly @SixxAM

With less then a week before one of the most important presidential elections in history, the supporters of these two unique candidates are making their last stands.  I found this perfect new song from Sixx A.M. that just suits this whole situation perfectly.  Their new song "We Will Not Go Quietly" could have been
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Trump and Hillary Duet

If you missed the debate then you missed one hell of duet performance from Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton.  Check out their version of "Time of My Life".  Seriously this is fucken funny as hell.
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Prophets of Rage Are Making America Rage Again @prophetsofrage

Just when you thought you heard the last of Rage Against The Machine, Cypress Hill and Public Enemy well you haven't.  They have teamed up for something truly epic.  They have together formed a new group that may just define this generation.  A group that will undoubtedly change the scope of music and maybe even
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Why A Wall Won’t Work @HillaryClinton @realDonaldTrump

This country was built on the backs of immigrants.  The city that Donald says is his home was built by immigrants that came through Ellis Island.  Before leaving the ships that brought these men, women and children here to their new home, they saw a beacon of hope.  The light of The Statue of Liberty.  
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