This week I’m not gonna highlight a video or something funny, but talk to you from the heart. As we all know ever since the election things have been a little unstable here in the US. There is uncertainty in the air as a reality TV star is going to become the leader of the free world. We have seen hatred coming from both sides. We have seen the faces of those who are fearful of losing a family member. We are at a cross roads. And the questions remains what do we do? The one thing you can’t do is to lose HOPE. You can’t lose faith in yourself. You can’t let the trials and tribulations that face us these next few months and years to stop us from being ourselves. Whatever it is your chasing, DON’T Stop. Don’t stop believing in yourself. Keep the dream alive. Keep the American dream alive. I still believe it exists. It shouldn’t matter who is in office, or who is acting like a complete child on Twitter instead of focusing on the real issues at hand. Time hasn’t stopped even though it feels like it. We rise, we grind. We are one race, the human race. Don’t let ignorance fill you heart with sorrow. Be the lion when everyone else is being the sheep. We can, as we always have, overcome. Hold the line.