Movie of the Week – John Wick

This is the first in a new series I’ve decided to start up here at the Slammin Tunes blog.  Every Sunday I will be selecting a movie that will be the the movie of the week.  Throughout the week I’ll highlight different aspects from the movie such as random stuff about it and the actors, but especially the music/score.  The lucky first Movie of the Week is John Wick.  Keanu Reeves is by far at his best, if not better than The Matrix (the first 1 lol).  It follows a retired assassin that gets dragged back into the game after his car is stolen and his dog is killed.  Side note, the dog was a gift from his now dead wife.  This movie has the perfect amount of action, right amount of comedy and will surely keep you locked in.  Check out the trailer below and leave a comment and let me know what you think.


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