Sick N’ Beautiful goes Pledge!

If your long time listener of  TheTripleMshow then you have heard this band. And know how much
I love these Aliens. Sick’n Beautiful is the name and origine is (they shipwrecked) Rome. Can you believe the luck.. Imagine they landed in a place called Lutjebroek! So what do you do when u dont have enough money to repair your spaceship? You start a band.
They must have Youtube in space as they could be family of Rob Zombie,Kiss, Alice Cooper or even Steel Panther. Not only talking bout their apperaence but also the sound they create.
It started with “Hell over Hell” The album with “Radio Sirene”, “New Wich666”and a listeners favorite “Sick To The Bone” It got great reviews and all I can say about this album is Its a MUST have.
The voice of Herma, is strong and powerfull, Close your eyes and dream away as her voice will guide you along the galaxy. But not only her voice is a perfect choise. The rest of the band is a perfect fit. We have Big Daddy Ray on Bass, Rev c2 and Lobo on Guitar and on the drums Evey . Together they make music which wil make you happy!

So why this blog. Well they need your help. They are working on their second gift to us Earthlings. A new album called “Element Of Sex’

cd cover
They already gave us a single from this one. The beuatiful emotional “Hearts December” This song reflects the softer side of the band and has a spiritual influence into it.For me this is a great introduction to the band as the song has it all.
Again If your into helping bands then you must have heard of Pledge!
This time you can help Sick n’Beautiful to introduce them tot he whole world by adding yourself to their Pledgecampaign.

If you want to read more about this wonderfull band then go to :





Spotify: si=IXQC1m4oQ6yY49wOu9AAJA

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