Monday Motivation – Humanity #MondayMotivation

Throughout history humanity has had its share of ups and downs.   We seem to battle each other everyday, whether it be on a battlefield of war or the comment section of the latest political news story.  It seems that humanity has a fascination with fighting.  Who is the toughest, strongest and who can pound their chest the hardest.  Hell we love to see people fight.  Just look how much money is spent on betting on MMA or boxing fights.  If someone isn’t getting pounded into oblivion it seems that we just don’t give a shit.  What the hell is wrong with us?  Everyday in the news all you hear about is another shooting or another murder.  You barely hear about the “good” news, the positive things humans do.  The media only wants to report what sells and let’s be real that is sex and violence.  How do we solve this problem?  How do we come together as one race, the human race, to push ourselves into a brighter and richer future.  I’m not even talking about richer in regards to money.  Richer in the amount of people who have access to knowledge.  Stopping famine and disease.  We have been able to work together before.  When a national disaster happens we all come together to help one another.  We actually put our differences aside to help those who are struggling.  But after a few days, even weeks, we go right back to hating and dividing.  It’s sad that it takes a disaster to bring us together.  It shouldn’t have to be like that.  Imagine how much further we would be along if we cut the bullshit out.  Cut the nonsense out for example not liking a religion or race because of who they pray too.  Imagine how far technology would be.  Imagine how much further we would be in the medical field.  We would have possibility cured cancer.  But we would rather just be a bunch of dicks to each other, bash one another from behind a computer screen and keyboard.  Maybe it’s time to stop being part of the problem and be part of the solution.  This weeks video is from Be Inspired and has to be one of my top 5 motivational videos/speeches I have ever seen.  Take sometime to even just listen to it.  If this video doesn’t have any effect on you, maybe humanity is doomed.  Or maybe even if just one person gets something out of it, maybe humanity can be saved.

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