We take so much for granted. Yea I said that and it’s something every human can say. Life is a gift that we fail to use properly. We let minutes, hours, days and months just slip away. Wasting it on useless crap. Whether it’s waiting to see how many likes a new social media post gets, or re-watching a TV show that you have seen multiple times. Instead of taking a risk and trying something new we get comfortable. We are “fine” with the way our lives are going. We live in a time where excuses like, I’ll do it tomorrow or I don’t have time are used so much that they have no meaning. We lie to ourselves over and over again. We tell ourselves that we are going to do something yet give up or just completely forget about it because we just don’t care. People need to start caring about life. The need to realize that they are lucky to be alive and stop complaining about shit they don’t have or blaming other people for their own faults. People need to look down at the ground and realize their are 90 BILLION souls that have lived and walked this Earth and that their dreams are dead. Those dreams will never be realized. But you have that chance to live a dream. You have the ability to live a life of adventure if you just realized how to cherish the gift of life.
This weeks video is from Ping Pong Studio, be sure to subscribe to their page to keep the fire inside you burning.