Category Archives: comics

Cantrous, A Different Take On Music Videos

YouTube has given the opportunity to many people who love to edit videos or movies in their own style.  There are few channels that put out some top notch entertainment.  One of those channels that brings some of the top movies, tv series and some kick ass music together is Cantrous.  From Marvel To DC
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Wonder Woman Whoops Ass #WonderWoman @GalGadot

The latest trailer for the much anticipated DC movie Wonder Woman has dropped and all I can say is DAMMMM.  Gal Gadot just doesn't play a God in the movie she is a Goddess.  She is a beautiful, brilliant young woman who takes on this roll after first appearing in Batman v Superman. It gave
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Luke Cage Meets Family Matters @LukeCage

If you are fan as I am of the new Marvel series on Netflix, Luke Cage, and you grew up watching TGIF on ABC every Friday night during the 90's then you are going to love this.  The Zach Ace YouTube Channel who has brought us the hit the was Avengers and Full House and
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Honest Trailers Does The Flash

If you've checked out the guys over a Screen Junkies before for some of the hilarious Honest Trailers for movies like TMNT or Captain America well you are in store for a hilarious take on a hit TV show.  They just don't just do movies they turn TV shows upside down and inside out.  Recently
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What Will You Binge Watch This Weekend?

This is to all you binge watching, eating like a pig, not putting pants on people out there.  If you are a fellow comic book lover like myself then this weekend is gonna be a good one.  The latest trailer for the Netflix series Luke Cage just dropped and holy shit does it look good.  
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Spider-Man Meets Lindsey Stirling & Lang Lang @LindseyStirling @lang_lang

If you are a comic book fan and you love instrumental music you are going to love this.  The unbelievably talented Lindsey Sterling and Lang Lang have joined forces and created this absolutely stunning song.  These artists capture the stunning beauty of the piano and violin in this enchanting song.  I encourage you to close
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Honest Trailer For Captain America Civil War

The guys from Screen Junkies can do no wrong.  They have just dropped their latest incredibly funny take on Captain America Civil War.  After watching this I promise you will never look at Batman vs Superman the same the question remains is who copied who?  I will let you decide.  You will defiantly
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WWE And Comics Equals Epicness #wwe #comics

If you are a die hard WWE fan like myself you gotta say these past few years the WWE has stepped up their game.  With amazing new talent coming through the ranks of NXT and some actual decent story lines I've begun to hear people talk about it around the water cooler.  Over the years
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